School Information

9 days ago

Kaxdigoowu Heen Logo

kaxdigoowu heen elementary

Kaxdigoowu Héen is a safe place where we feed our minds, bodies, and hearts. It is our school family. At KHE, we value cultivating a partnership with the caring adults in our students' families. This allows our staff to provide each child with engaging, high quality instruction in a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment. Please take a moment to review the KHE Family Handbook for the most up to date policies and procedures.

The River that runs itself clear

The A'akw Kwaan gifted the ancient place name Kaxdigoowu Heen to our school community in 2019. The location of this name is the river known as Montana Creek, where an ancient fish trap was found. The name honors the strength and resilience of the Lingit people who managed to set fish traps in the unforgiving current. This powerful phrase, kaxdigoowu héen yax nagatee itoowu, or let your mind be like the water that has settled itself clear, reflects the work we do with students to help them learn the skills they need to be successful and joyful scholars.
Kaxdigoowu Heen Logo

How to pronounce Kaxdigoowu Héen

Kaxdigoowu Heen

Click here to learn more about our gifted name


Title 1 is a federal program that provides supplemental funds to school districts with a high percentage of students who experience socioeconomic hardships for the purpose of ensuring that ALL students receive access to a fair, equitable, and high-quality education. To qualify for Title 1 Schoolwide status, 40% or more of a school's student population must qualify for the free and reduced lunch program each school year.

As a Title-1 school, the shared agreements of our partnership with families are highlighted in our KHE Family Compact. Check out our KHE-specific Title-1 overview here.

What do Title-1 funds pay for at KHE?


Title 1 funds pay for 1 certified teaching position at KHE each year. The Title 1 teacher oversees the school reading program, participates in school leadership and provides direct reading intervention to students reading below grade level.

Family Engagement

Title 1 funds help support family engagement events and activities at KHE. Family Literacy Nights, Science Nights, home math and literacy kits are just a few examples of learning opportunities funded through KHE's Title 1 program.

Supplemental Learning Resources

At KHE, Title 1 funds help pay for classroom magazine subscription, online learning resources, books for classroom libraries and for student home libraries, supplemental instruction materials, and teacher professional development.

get involved, stay connected!

PTO/Site Council

Class Dojo


PTO/Site Council meets the second Thursday of every month. We'd love to see you there!

Class Dojo is a communication platform that can be connected to an email or cellphone number, and accessed via app or website. Families are encouraged to use the free, unpaid option of this platform - the paid version is not necessary.

Become a volunteer! Click here for more information.

Report Card

This School Report Card presents information about the school’s performance for the 2022-2023 school year. During the second administration of The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) assessment, students in grades 3-9 were assessed in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades 5, 8, and 10 took the Alaska Science Assessment.

AK Star Results

The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) is designed to provide families with information about student performance and progress in relation to the academic standards for Alaska students.